Saturday, May 18, 2013

Belhaven - 35miles

Today in Swanquarter I actually woke up a little earlier before the alarm was to go off! I got some great sleep in the sanctuary! The church members had provided us with a great breakfast consisting of eggs, grits, waffles, strawberries, really good cheese biscuits, coffee, bacon, sausage, and really salty ham! The folks here are so kind! We set off for about 34 miles. The ride was great today. While I was sore, this ride acted as a cool down from the 68 miles the day before. My bottom is pretty sore but my legs are feeling great. On the ride, we were pretty much in the middle of nowhere land. Surprisingly, one of the few houses on the road was having a yard sale! So a bunch of the riders stopped by and we chatted with the folks. They had a few horses that were rather nice and friendly. I have a few pictures of them! We continued on and well, nature called so I pulled off from the group to do my thing and once I got back on my bike and started to catch up, there were 2 riders a little way back from me as well. However, while catching up I had my first dog chase!!! I must admit, it was a little scary considering it was a pretty big pitbull that decided to run down the road and chase me! The dog ran in front of a car and crossed the street to me so I screamed really loud and scared it off and it went back to his house. I out ran the dog! The rest of the ride was pleasant and we arrived to our host at the Trinity Methodist Church. The ladies here opened up their houses to us for showers. They were so nice! Each neighbor drove a few of us to their house and allowed us to use their showers, lay in hammocks out back right on a lake that was having a sailboat race! After showers we came back and were greeted with prayers and a huge feast including loaded potatoes, lots of veggies and salad, fruit bowl, yummy garlic cheese bread, these green tomatoes, grilled chicken, cranberries, and lots of desserts that I proudly ate only a dab of each. The folks here were way to kind to us! They kept coming around and filling our cups up with lemonade and water even though we kept telling them to fix their plates! I’m finding it absolutely amazing come across such kind folks in these towns so far. We are complete strangers yet they open their homes for us to shower and cook us amazing homemade food! We bike into Greenville tmrw. I haven’t had cell phone reception so if you’re reading this (Mom and Pop!) I’m doing great! Having fun, getting a great workout in, eating great food, and having an incredible time! I will try calling when I get reception soon! Night Night!


  1. Sounds good! I'll send some wipes. Use sunscreen! :)

    1. I'm using lots of sunscreen! I barely have tan lines so far! And wipes are good! small pack though! I try using every pottie I can tho ;)
