Monday, May 20, 2013

Greenville 52 - Wake Forest 84

Last night in Belhaven concluded with a night at the local bar! This was a tiny empty town! A nice drunk man bought us all beers at the bar! Breakfast was at a local Oyster bar that served us eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, cheese biscuits, fruit, and cereal. The ride today to Greenville was a rough one but I’m here in Greenville at the church. It was about a 52mile ride but I had 2 flats! Lunch usually consists of pb&j, bagels, fruit, cereal, hummus and carrots, and any leftovers. At the church we had just ONE shower for all of us! That got interesting. Dinner was pizza and salad! Tmrw is the longest ride at 82 miles! I’m sweeping as well which means I’m in the back and ensure everyone is good to go and on path. Thanks for reading! Night!

Wake Forest:
Today we biked 84miles to Wake Forest! It was such a rough ride. Just getting to the half way point for lunch was hard. It rained on us and then I ate a lot for lunch. The last 40 miles was very tough. I was on sweep so I was always in the back. We got to the hills finally…I went a nice 6mph sometimes. I also went 35mph in the down pouring rain. I think today I learned what self determination and what the support of fellow teammates will do. This was prbly one of the most painful experiences besides going through ACL rehab that I’ve concurred. Riding into the church with Claire with the entire bus cheering was the best feeling. Completing 84 miles up and down hills with such struggle is definitely a big accomplishment for me so far. Anyways, besides having a rough ride, we then had showers at the ymca and dinner and Kim (fellow rider) house! Her family fixed us a nice lasagna, pizza, and salad with various beers! I ate SO much today! Welp, I’m off to bed early. We have a 39mile ride in the morning to Chapel Hill!

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